About Andy

Andy McCarl began learning Tai Chi Chuan from Kim Kanzelberger with Center States Tai Chi Chuan in Kansas City. As a Theatre major at UMKC, Andy was initially interested in Tai Chi as a pre-performance relaxation exercise. The practice quickly sparked a much deeper interest.

“I remember in my first class when Kim said that the first principle of Tai Chi is ‘Relax’ – I was hooked!”

Andy kept practicing and returning to study with Kim a few months or years at a time, but a busy family life kept him from pursuing more involvement in the Tai Chi community.

“I didn’t have much time for classes, but Tai Chi kept calling to me everywhere I went. I practiced at the top of the World Trade Center, at the China Pavilion of Epcot Center, on the shores of Sydney Harbor and the San Francisco Bay. It is a joy to celebrate those places with Tai Chi.”

In 2013, after his children were more independent, Andy resumed his studies full-time at Center States with Kim Kanzelberger, which led to assistant-teaching Beginning and Review classes. He also increased his areas of study to include Push Hands and Sword Form. Andy continues participating in Center States classes and retreats, and work with other Yang style teachers including Lenzie Williams, Wei-Ming Yuan, Garrett Chinn, Russ Mason, and a cherished private lesson with Kim’s teacher, Mr. Ben Lo, in May 2018.

In 2020, with his teacher’s permission and endorsement, Andy established himself as an independent teacher offering Tai Chi classes, following in the tradition of his lineage.

“My goal is to continue the legacy of my lineage
by sharing the art of Tai Chi Chuan.”

Zhang Sanfeng, the 12th century creator of Tai Chi Chuan, “desired for the whole world to attain longevity, not only martial techniques.”